More plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050

Only People can liberate ourselves from “more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050”.

Scientists estimate that more than 8 million metric tons of plastic is entering our ocean every year. There could be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. From tiny plankton to enormous whales, countless animals across marine ecosystems are affected by plastic pollution. It’s found in 59% of seabirds like albatross and pelicans, 100% of sea turtle species, and over a quarter of fish sampled from seafood markets around the world.
Marine debris isn’t an ocean problem…it’s a people problem. Trash in the ocean has serious consequences for all of us.
The production of plastic increased from 2 tons in 1950 to over 340 million tons by 2014. 95% of plastics is used only one time and goes in the garbage and that type of plastic will last practically forever.
When whales, fish, turtles ingest plastic, it fills up their ingestion system and the starve to death with full stomach.
The production of plastic continues even when it has this consequence. The reason this happens is because the economic and political system allows the production of plastic to continue without any regulations.
What can we do? People everywhere stop using plastic.
It helps when people stop using plastic. The manufacturers of plastics will only stop, when nobody buys, and they don’t turn a profit.

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